Wednesday, March 27, 2013

His power level is over 10 000!!!

It finally happened to my poor Fiat 500 Abarth

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

First video post coming soon!

Hey all! You may not know it but I'm an avid video guy, person... thingie...

I actually always intended to start blogging and posting videos about my amore la Fiat 500 Abarth. So just a heads up to all you eager Abarth and Fiat 500 fans, a video is on its way and will take the world by storm... Okay probably not by storm, but it will be quite vigorous! Probably...


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Have no fear! Your shocks are now clear... Of problems

So if you recently bought any Fiat 500 of any type in Canada... But more importantly in the colder parts of Canada or the US for that matter, then you might have noticed that your suspension is making some funny noises now that it's cold out. Possibly something like a "plock plock plock..." In any case there's nothing wrong with your Mexican made Fiat, just the shock mounts... Or some type of bushing or something. Long story short because of the cold there is a rubber that contracts and moves around when hitting the smallest bump at even 25km/h. Fiat has finally engineered a fix that removes this sound from the front shocks by replacing this piece with a better piece. If your car is making this sound then bring her on in for them to fix it (covered by warrantee) I have yet any reports wether or not it impacts the performance and handling of the car, but it does feel a little smoother now. Go get yours fixed now if your here the plucking plock of your sadly noisy suspension of your brand new North American Fiat. Don't get me wrong, still love this sucker!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Blogging when drunk... After a long drive with my Abarth

So, this weekend we (one of my best friends) chose to go to toronto to see our other best friend with my Abarth. So this post is really, how does an Abarth handle long distances?

The answer is, good! These are things to look forward when driving for a long time. The exhaust becomes annoying after an hour. The good news is, if your a guy you'll probably end up drowning out the sound, so thank God. If your a girl, sorry all hope is lost unless your find a really good music station to blast it too.